
$79.95Select options
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Sweet memories
Sweet memoriesSweet memories
Sweet memoriesWhite box arrangement of white roses, light pink mini gerberas, white spray roses, lime alstroemeria, combined fine foliage
$79.95Select options

$149.95Select options
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Sweet success
Sweet successSweet success
Sweet successIt always a good time for a box arrangement of white roses, white big disbuds, white scented lilies, and purple hoary stock.
$149.95Select options

$84.95Select options
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Sweet treasure
Sweet treasureSweet treasure
Sweet treasure-
$84.95Select options

$149.95Select options
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SymphonyAt this breathtaking flower arrangement you will find a beautiful selection of yellow roses burgundy snapdragons, pink oriental lilies arranged into a traditional style. Perfect for any occasion.
$149.95Select options

$119.95Select options
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They made me think of you
They made me think of youThey made me think of you
They made me think of you-
$119.95Select options

$84.95Select options
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Thinking of tulips
Thinking of tulipsThinking of tulips
Thinking of tulipsCheerful bouquet of pink and champagne tulips wrapped up with rusty and white paper complimented with a flower bow.
$84.95Select options

$169.95Select options
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TraditionalTraditional flower arrangement of pink roses burgundy mini gerbras, pink scented oriental lilies, white snap dragons surrounded by tropical foliage.
$169.95Select options

$159.95Select options
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Traditional in a pot
Traditional in a potTraditional in a pot
Traditional in a potIt is a beautiful and bright arrangement of yellow premium gerberas, cymbidium orchids, and white lisianthus, combined with willow tree and monsteria leaves
$159.95Select options

$129.95Select options
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Tropical Artistry
Tropical ArtistryTropical Artistry
Tropical ArtistryA modern floral arrangement of Green anthuriums yellow roses and white freesias combined with tropical foliage
$129.95Select options

$110.95Select options
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Tropical perfection
Tropical perfectionTropical perfection
Tropical perfectionYou will be surprised with this artistic arrangement of green anthuriums , deep burgundy orchids, deep burgundy snapdragon, orange birds of paradise combined with fine greenery
$110.95Select options
True love
True loveA traditional flower arrangement of red roses, pail pink antheriums, white orchids combined with tropical foliage
$209.95Select options

$94.95Select options
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VictoriaArrangement of deep orange gerberas , red roses pail pink anthuriums, pail pink scented oriental lilies, deep burgundy Singapore orchid combined with tropical foliage in a light pink box
$94.95Select options

$139.95Select options
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Warm regards
Warm regardsWarm regards
Warm regardsA modern cube glass vase bright arrangement of premium orange gerberas, yellow roses, red sims carnations, and purple statice, combined with viburnum foliage
$139.95Select options

$64.95Select options
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White phalaenopsis
White phalaenopsisOrchid plant placed in a clear glass vase it?s an indoor plant and it comes with for steams.
$64.95Select options

$79.95Select options
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Winter fresh
Winter freshWinter fresh
Winter freshWhite box arrangement of white roses, white spray roses, lime lisianthus, lime alstroemeria, white berries, combined with silver dusty miller foliage
$79.95Select options

$249.95Select options
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Wintry wonder
Wintry wonderWintry wonder
Wintry wonderThis peaceful simple glass vase of pure phalaenopsis orchid combined with magnolia leaves its a gift of absolute joy.
$249.95Select options

$129.95Select options
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With heart and soul
With heart and soulWith heart and soul
With heart and soul-
$129.95Select options
Wonderful in blue and white
Wonderful in blue and whiteThis arrangement of white flowers and blue irises contain a combination white oriental lilies, spray roses, white snap dragons combined with silver dusty miller foliage
$74.95Select options

$139.95Select options
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Wonders of the orient
Wonders of the orientWonders of the orient
Wonders of the orientLong sheaf of scented of pink oriental lilies, pink snap dragons, willow tree placed in bird of paradise leaves. Wrapped up with rusty thick paper and jute
$139.95Select options

$124.95Select options
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Yellow, Pink in gold
Yellow, Pink in goldYellow, Pink in gold
Yellow, Pink in goldModern arrangement of yellow roses combined with pink oriental lilies, cream spray roses, peach premium sims carnation, white snap dragons, surrounded by tropical foliage based in a golden pot.
$124.95Select options
You are my sunshine
You are my sunshineA classis arrangement of red roses yellow gerberas combined with white alstroemerias
$114.95Select options

$229.95Select options
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You are a star
You are a starYou are a star
You are a starWhite round gift box flower arrangement of premium pink roses, white roses, white spray roses, white lisianthus, white snap dragons, placed in a white round gift box with a lead surrounded by selected foliage, silverdust foliage.
$229.95Select options
You are beautiful
You are beautifulThis is a beautiful box arrangement of pink gerberas, red roses and pink lilies surrounded by tropical leaves.
$89.95Select options

$229.95Select options
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You are stunning
You are stunningYou are stunning
You are stunningStunning arrangement for a special celebration. A combination of white and pink roses, white scented lilies, white lisianthus and cream hoary stock, arranged in a white ceramic pot.
$229.95Select options